Thursday, October 27, 2005

Hot Wheels kiosk lets you customize your own car

This is a pretty cool kiosk application, doubly so because I just love FAO Schwarz (which is where they are deployed at):
Designing a car with the Hot Wheels Custom Car Factory Kiosk application takes only a few minutes, and the customer receives a certificate of authenticity with the purchase. The price of a customized Hot Wheels car is approximately $20. Mattel is currently using Planar 17-inch touchscreen monitors for consumer access and server control.

After nearly a year, FAO Schwarz has sold thousands of customized Hot Wheels models using the kiosk.
Since FAO Schwarz (the real one, in Manhattan) has always been something of a technology showcase, making heavy use of motion and interactivity in their product displays and demonstrations, this seems a natural fit. And the fact that they've been selling thousands of the customized cars at what I'm sure are very healthy margins suggests that they were right on the money catering to their customer's interests and imaginations.

The complete story is here, at Kiosk Marketplace.

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