Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Forrester study says people demand self service kiosks

Greg Swistak, Executive Director of the Association, has a nice summary of an article by Forrester Research, in which public self-service terminals are found to be appreciated and in some cases even demanded by consumers used to helping themselves. Here's a quick rundown of some of the results:

Forrester surveyed 176 decision-makers at North American companies with revenues of $500 million or more, focusing its questions on how retailers handled their customer experience. While the survey did not specifically focus on kiosks or self-service technologies, some interesting statistics about self-service usage and its adoption is revealed.

Fifty-seven percent of respondents said kiosks almost always meet customers’ needs, and 14 percent said they usually do — that is more than seven favorable responses out of 10. Compare that with the one out of 10 respondents who felt that retail outlets met their needs, and the approximately three of 10 who felt call centers met their needs.

Another interesting fact was that only 11 percent of those responding indicated that they didn’t use kiosks. That shows impressive penetration for a relatively new technology.

Read the rest of this very good article here.

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