Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Middleware will give ATMs wider functions

Nationwide is rolling out a middleware platform to simplify the deployment of applications across its automatic teller machines, kiosks and bank teller systems.

Mike Humphreys, head of technology development at Nationwide, said each make of cash machine and kiosk the society operates requires its own software. This has made it difficult to deploy the same application across every machine.

The building society is now deploying middleware from Scottish software house Kal to allow the same application to run on different machines. The software will be run across Nationwide's 2,300 ATMs and 6,000 branch teller stations.


Nationwide plans to offer a web service that will allow customers to use a single card to access the services used in internet banking - such as displaying information on all accounts, transferring money or paying bills - via a kiosk or ATM.

Find the whole article here.

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